Final post on this blog – after a year of planning and execution, we have finally opened our doors on July 24th. As we move into our new site, it is time for reflection and giving thanks to those who have made this possible.
We are starting to bring our brand and products to the community. Both excited and happy to get our message out there, and it is great to hear messages of support.
With less than 6 weeks to go before our target opening date of July 24, we are facing crunch time. Amidst all the chaos that are happening around us, it is important to remind ourselves that we have to stay COOL like Fonzie and bring it home.
wow.. it’s been a long time since I use such a big consulting word – paradigm shift. We are glad we can market ourselves through social media tools, but the bottom line is, we are still very much a cafe for the neighbourhood.
Hold your horses, guys! We are talking about coffee cups here . Small and basic things makes up the experience – and in a cafe, coffee cups and the water that goes into every cup of tea and coffee are worth spending time on.
Took possession of the building on 19th Apr and we are starting to see some progress on the renovation front